Blue eyed deer (United States)

It is said that in ancient times, in the United States, there lived a hunter named Boone.Boone's passion is deer hunting.

To catch his hunted deer, Boone used to bring a pot of fire embers.

The usual hunting deer cannot run if its eyes are dazzled by embers.

At that moment, Boone will shoot the deer.

Boone is already known as a reliable deer hunter.

So far, not a single deer can escape his shot.

But this time Boone faced a different night than the previous nights.

Just then Boone saw a deer in the dark of the night.

But there are different things, where the deer has blue eyes.

This was the first time Boone had found a deer with blue eyes.

As usual Boone lit a ember.

He directed the embers of the deer's eyes.

He intends to make a deer eye glare.

But strangely the deer was not dazzled at all.

The deer ran fast because they felt threatened.

Boone certainly does not stay silent.

He immediately chased the blue-eyed deer.

Boone thinks that if it is sold, blue-eyed deer are very expensive.

The deer ran fast then disappeared into a cottage house in the middle of the forest.

Boone was clearly astonished.

How could a deer enter a cottage house.

Boone then sneaked a peek into the cabin house.

But he did not see the blue-eyed deer.

"Come in, sir, don't just peek from outside." a woman's voice startled Boone.

It turned out that the owner of the voice was a beautiful woman.

Boone is shocked and then enters the cottage house.

The beautiful woman entertains Boone well.

"I am a deer fairy." said the beautiful woman explained.

"I know, You often hunt deer. Therefore, I will keep you here so that you will not catch the deer anymore. In this way the deer in the forest can live in peace. "

"Don't hold me. Please ... let me go. I promise not to hunt deer again. " said Boone in terror.

After begging to be released, the fairy elk finally released Boone.

Since then Boone has never hunted deer in the forest again.

Message from the story: Love animals, because they also have the right to live freely.

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