The Pelicans in the Village of Kabrau (Central Africa)

Pelicans are birds that can fly far away. 

Long ago, in Central Africa, there was a pelican from the village of Kabrau. 

At that time Kabrau village was hit by a food famine.

Pelikan is eager to help the residents of Kabrau Village. 

The Pelikan then flew to far away to look for food.

After flying for so long, somewhere, Pelikan found a flute lying on the ground.

Pelikan was curious about the flute. 

He took it then blew it. 

Miraculously, it turns out that from within the flute came a grain of wheat. 

Of course this makes Pelikan feel happy.

"I will bring this flute to the village. The village head must be very happy. " Pelikan then flew back to Kabrau Village. 

Arriving at the village, Pelikan immediately met with the chief. 

He told the magical flute to the chief. 

The chieftain then beats a drum to gather the villagers. 

After the residents of Kabrau Village gathered, the pelicans then played the magic flute. 

The residents of Kabrau Village are amazed to see grains of wheat coming out of the flute. 

Villagers roll in to collect grain of wheat into sacks. 

While the pelicans continued to play his magic flute until finally the grain barn of Kabrau Village was full. 

The villagers went home to their homes feeling happy. 

The next day, residents of Kabrau Village gathered again in front of the pelicans' house. 

They asked the pelicans to play the flute again. 

Even though the barn is full, it seems that the villagers are not satisfied. 

The Pelikan bird then enters his house to get the magic flute. 

But apparently the magic flute has disappeared. 

"I know where the magic flute went." Pelikan then flew to the place where he first found the magic flute. 

It turned out that the magic flute had returned to its original place. 

Pelikan also brought back the magic flute to Kabrau Village. 

After arriving in front of the villagers, the pelicans immediately played the magical flute. 

But strange, from the magic flute pebble stones. 

The residents of Kabrau Village shouted in pain from gravel. 

They scattered leaving the pelicans' house. 

Pelicans and villagers finally realized that they were too greedy to cause a magical flute to anger. 

Message from the story: People who are greedy will be hurt because of their greed. 

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