Golden Goose (India)

Golden Goose (India)
Near a pond, in India, there lives a mother with her two daughters. The family is very poor. The pool is inhabited by a goose that has golden feathers.

Seeing the incident that the mother and the two children were very poor, the swan became sorry for them. "I will give them my golden feather. Hopefully my help will lighten their lives. They can sell my golden fur to get money. " Said the goose to the heart.
The swan then went to the mother's house. The mother was surprised by the presence of the swan.

"Why are you here? We don't have food for you," said the poor mother.

"No ma'am, I'm just here to help you. Take my gold feather. Hopefully this will help you. I will often come here to help you, "said the goose.

"Oh, thank you good geese, I will be happy to receive it," said the mother happily.

The goose often came to the house of the mother to give her a golden feather. The lives of the mother and her two children gradually improved. However, the good life became a greed for the mother.

"The goose always gives her hair a piece for the sake of color. Who guarantees that he will continue to come? because, my family will be poor again if the goose does not come to give her golden fur.

"Calm down mother, it looks like the goose is good and keep her promise" said one of the mother's children.

"My children, don't trust the geese too much. It could be that one day she will not give a gold feather again. It's better to catch the swans, we pluck the feathers, and we take them all. I worry if we will be poor again, "said the mother.

They were shocked by their mother's statement. According to them it was an evil intention and was not commendable.

"Mother, I beg of you, geese are kind, don't let us hurt them," they said.

However, the mother did not want to hear their opinions. When the goose comes to give her golden feathers. The mother caught the goose and plucked out most of its fur. Strange thing happened, the goose feathers turned into ordinary feathers in general.

"Where's your golden fur?" asked the mother.

"This feather turns into ordinary feather because you're greedy, ma'am!" replied the goose.

The swan then went flying away. The mother begged very much that the goose would fulfill her request. But the goose doesn't care. She still flew high and will never return.

Message from the story: greed will bring disaster.

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